Saturday 30 June 2018

On A Gloomy Day

Lok Subba
Poet Lok Subba

Gloomy feelings,
starry nights,
open sky,
still, it felt like shadowed by 
some hazy unknown cloud.

My sister sitting beside me
ecstatically describes the colours of the sky
as if glowing 
in the starry starry night
and she points out stars of her likes and names them
as if she has always known them
brilliant, jovial, lively and full of hope.

I sit there
trying to see all those stars
lucent, bright and illuminating, 
twinkling stars,
trying, as my sister sees them.

On a gloomy day
Through my eyes on a gloomy day,
all those bright lights of sun spots 
and bright spectres of starry starry visuals,
all get just hazy and grey,
On a gloomy day !

Lok Subba is a poet and translator. He writes in Nepali, English and Norwegian. The Assistant Professor at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Dr. Subba currently lives in Bergen, Norway. 

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