Saturday 3 January 2015

I am not I without 'You'!

Bidhan Acharya
Poet Bidhan Acharya

My writing is for you
My words are for you
I feel many times
The whole, l am for you

In your absence
The life has no meaning
In your presence
The death has no meaning
You are perhaps
Above  the time
I can have victory
Over the seasons
The only condition
You must be with me!

Whatever you wear,
is the ideal of apparels
No matter how do you wear
Whatever you speak
is like the 'mantra' for me
Whatever you gesture
is like an order l must do

My senses are yours
I don't breathe nor l see
l don't experience nor l feel
l am not the doer, you inspire

l am l, without l inside me
l am You with all You inside me !!

(Courtesy: Himalayan Soul)

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