Sunday 2 November 2014


Dr. Sushma Acharya
Dr. Sushma Acharya

The aspiration and ambition of flowering
And vibrant youth
Keeping at bay
I am searching for humanity
In course of my sojourn in the Middle East
Amid the rising columns of smoke by bombs
and gun power
I see humanity crumbling.
Sometimes when I reach the frontiers of the North
I notice humanity being buffeted by the piercing arrows of the ego
Sometimes in the developed world concealed within the grab of humanity
I am compelled to traverse the void of antipathy
The mind cowering in despair
From the lip service ritual
I reach the world sacrificial fire of ten million
Offering for peace.
In the chaotic dance of dominionship
I notice the volleys of missiles unleashed
by some dictatorship upon the weak.
Here and there, for the sake of usurpation and selfishness
I notice the innocent aspiration of the child
Being smothered as the sacrificial lamb
Subject to murder, violence and kidnapping
Alas ! l deem my search as bereft of meaning and justification.
And then, in the faith dispensed with mere assurances
I reason about my life suspended in a twine
The answer ensues that it may snap any moment
And then, l ask the Buddha, Christ and Allah
They tell me - Humanity has already been dissolved with us
So, what remains is a mere facade, a phantom of humanity.

Translated from Nepali by: Damodar Bhattarai

(Courtesy: Himalayan Soul, 2013)

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