Thursday 25 January 2018


Binod Bikram K.C.
Poet Binod Bikram K.C.

Robots get up at 5:00 a.m.
Come to the street for the morning walk
Encounter with a waste-hill
Curse the local folks and the municipality

Stay in a tea shop for an hour or half
Scream-"Very little sugar, dear
This bloody diabetes gonna kill me"
Drink tea (and, of course, the newspaper headlines, too)
Wonder why the bombs are crazy again
Discuss politics, arts, literature and et cetera

Return to the house
Watch the Television
Sit to eat
Listen to the baby-robots' and wife-robots' complaints and gloom
Curse the market price and the finance minister

Go to the office
Salute Boss, the Elephant 
Laugh when Boss, the Elephant
Shouts at them for their carelessness, laziness, and uselessness
Give up pride and become rat

Go to the cheap bar after office
Drink 'Tharra', the local-cheap-wine
Become revolutionary, more and more
At each additional glass
Tighten fists and become ready to fight
Against Corruption
Against Terrorism
Against Cabinet
Against everything black and bad
Keep fighting (!) till the bar-keepers throw them out

Go to the house
Beat baby- robots and wife-robots
And sleep as corpses

What amazes me, mister, is
To this daily rotten routine
Robots call 'the life'.

(Courtesy: Of Nepalese Clay Issue No. 5, October 2003)

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